Friday 16 February 2007

Blog Awards... The Latest !

I feel that I have been very restrained... apart from an initial plug for the nomination categories for the 2007 Awards, I didn't go all out to beg to be nominated... be honest, I didn't expect any nominations, so was maintaining a discrete silence so as not to make a complete pillock of myself. To my surprise, I found that I had been nominated for Best Individual Catholic Blog... admittedly, it looked as though the world and his cousin had also been nominated, but I was touched...

I didn't nag you all to vote... though I have to confess that this was because I was out of blogging range during most of the voting period! I only just managed to get my votes in!

However, I'm delighted to say that, subject to final verification, the results are out! You can read them for yourself HERE.

(I didn't win my category - no surprises there - but somehow I did manage to get 5 votes! Not much out of the total of 871 votes, but 48 blogs got fewer votes!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:59 am

    I'm sure the voters must've been confused! ;-) Yours is clearly the best.
