Sunday 25 February 2007

Another Set of Blogs For The Roll

A friend of mine has started a new blog... newhousenewjob emailed me to say that, having followed my blog for a couple of months and been totally frustrated by not knowing how to post comments, she just had to start one of her own: Just Doing My Best.

I was delighted to note that I was her first link... and also her first visitor! Pop along to say hello some time soon!

Then there are some more blogs which have come to my notice: The Clam Rampant (what a great name!) is Kasia's blog. I think she is planning to join the Church at Easter.

I mentioned Aggie Catholic before, but I've just added him to my blogroll; I've also added To Jesus Through Mary (another good blog.)


  1. Great to chat to you last night, Mac. Thanks for the plug, and the help with setting up sitemeter. :¬)

  2. I love your name, "Just doing my best."

    Mine's horrible, but I'm stuck with it.

    Good luck to you!

  3. Thanks kindly for the plug, the link, and most especially the kind compliment! :-)

    *duck* *scrape* GARSH! :-)
