Friday 26 May 2006

Hymn Lyrics to make you Weep

...Only this time with laughter! Given my previous posts on inclusive language in hymns and getting children to learn the traditional hymns, this offering from Fr. Nicholas at Roman Miscellany just had to get a mention...


  1. Anonymous8:19 am

    Sometimes the heavy, solemn, dirgefull, Wesleyian kind of hymn is simply tooooo much.

    I refer to a recent Mass specifically for children where the singing of more joyous and cheerful hymns for the occassion of the Ascension of Our Blessed Lord would have resounded more with our youngsters.

  2. I have no problem with joyous and cheerful... it's when the lyrics are ghastly and the tune grating that I object!

    ...and to be honest, I suspect that the dirgeful bit is more to do with the speed at which the hymn is played or sung than the tune itself!!
