Thursday 8 December 2011

Happy Feast Day...

Today is one of my favourite Feast Days. I've said it before - it's the day that, theologically speaking, really sorts out the men from the boys (to coin a phrase.) CINOs (Catholics-in-name-only) hate it, because it means that we are less than perfect, which then brings up the idea of sin and not "everyone going to heaven no matter what they do."

Our Lady was preserved from all stain of sin from the first moment of her conception. If you were God, and had the power to make your mother, what would you do? You'd want to preserve her from Original Sin and all the stuff that goes with that, (death, disease, concupiscence) wouldn't you?

Oh, and there's a big pro-life message in there - life begins AT conception.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Am I One Of The Pyjamahadeen...?

Does blogging in a nightie and dressing gown count?

Laurence succumbed to the temptation of writing a song dedicated to all of us Catholic bloggers. The first performance was at Blackfen last Saturday, and Fr. Tim caught it on camera. I heartily approve of the special effects employed which render me unrecognisable even without a mantilla...

Monday 5 December 2011

Mass For The Immaculate Conception...

For those of you fortunate enough to be able to get to St. George's Cathedral on Thursday morning, there will be a Low Mass according to the usus antiquior in honour of the Immaculate Conception, which is the patronal feast of our diocese.

I was going to say that I was jealous - but then I realised that there's going to be a Missa Cantata at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen at 8pm...

Not that I'm into one-upmanship or anything...

Sunday 4 December 2011

This Is The Ecclesia Dei...

I had a wonderful day yesterday.

First of all, there was our monthly Missa Cantata at Blackfen, which is a cause for great joy anyway. This was added to by the fact that, after Mass, I renewed my vows. I don't make the vows just for a year, they are permanent, but it's a great excuse for a party... it also helps to remind me what I'm doing with my life, and why!

Lunch followed - cooked to perfection by Trisha and her team of helpers - and we all tucked into eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, baked beans (I didn't have any of those) and tomatoes (I didn't have those either!)

I was really pleased that Blondpidge was able to make it to Blackfen, and I got to meet Robin (aka Mr. Pidge) and all the little Pidges (I met the youngest - Little Miss Pidge - at Michael Voris' talk back in August!)

It was almost another blognic, what with His Hermeneuticalness, Leutgeb, Zephyrinus (who arrived in time for a late lunch sitting and Vespers) Annie Elizabeth, Blondpidge, Bones and me...

The star of the show had to be Laurence England (aka Bones) who gave us a live performance of many of the songs featured on his own blog, including the first ever performance of Ecclesia Dei... (Click on the link if you want to sign the open "letter" to Archbishop Nichols!)

The children were absolutely entranced, and sat down to listen... and that was just as he was tuning his guitar!

Fr. Tim was also recording, and he was using a much better camera, so my video will probably lose out in the ratings war... but maybe he'll put up one of the other songs instead, and let me have my "blogging exclusive!"

Annie Elizabeth later tweeted that her children were singing "Some more, some more, Summorum Pontificum" all afternoon...

And then the day finished with sung Vespers and Benediction...

A really wonderful day!

Latin Is Sooooooo Hard To Learn...

Tom sings in the visiting schola at Blackfen, and usually brings his family along for the Missa Cantata. His children love to join in the Marian anthem after Benediction, and really belt it out with gusto. I meant to record them at Benediction, when they would have been totally natural and unconcerned, but of course, it being Advent, we've started to sing the Alma redemptoris mater, and they aren't quite as confident with that one...

So, I persuaded Edward to sing the Salve regina in the parish club afterwards. He and his brother became a little self-conscious and shy, but he certainly knows his stuff... I forget how old the children are...