Friday 5 June 2009

Time For A Bit Of Fun...

One winter morning a husband and wife in Portland, Maine were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, "We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snowploughs can get through."

So the good wife went out and moved her car. A week later, while they were eating breakfast, the radio announcer was heard to say, "We are expecting 10 to12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the snowploughs can get through."

The good wife went out and moved her car again. The following week they were again having breakfast, when the radio announcer said, "We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park...."

Then, the electric power went out. The good wife was very upset, and, with a worried look on her face, she turned to her husband, "Honey, I don't know what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the snowploughs can get through?"

With the love and understanding in his voice that all men who are married to blondes exhibit, the husband replied, "Honey, just leave it in the garage this time..."

Thursday 4 June 2009

New Bible Translation...

According to Anna Arco, the Bible is in the process of being translated into LOLCat... That's cute for about one minute... maybe one minute, thirty seconds... after that, it gets seriously irritating (or should that read "srsly irrtating"...?)

I think I'll stick to the Douay-Rheims...

Tuesday 2 June 2009

More Lourdes Photos...

Here are some of my photos taken at the Parish Church in Lourdes.

Fr. Charles and Fr. Tim didn't require much encouragement to pose for a shot beside Monsignor Peyramale's statue. I was actually blocking traffic at this point, but the motorist concerned absolutely insisted that I take the shot before he drove forward and parked just by the bollards. The driver behind him, however, was less amused...

I had a very stark opinion of Monsignor Peyramale from what I'd read and seen a few years back, and was therefore surprised to find so many places in Lourdes named in his honour. It was only after watching the excellent films by Jean-Luc Delannoy that I really appreciated how Monsignor Peyramale had been sceptical only at first, and, once having been convinced that the Apparitions were genuine, he then defended Bernadette fiercely against her detractors. That, together with the reports of his kindness to his parishioners, explains why he is remembered at Lourdes.

I could only get this one picture inside the parish church, as Mass was already underway when I arrived. 

The Crypt chapel was austere, but had a beauty about it too... the stained glass was gorgeous (just at street level outside... we could see people's legs as they walked past) and the acoustics (which I mentioned before) were amazing. I was busy singing the propers of the Mass, so didn't manage to get my usual number of photos, but I did get the important bits...

Monday 1 June 2009

More Pictures From Lourdes...

Just a few more photos...

Here we have some shots of the outside of the Rosary Basilica, and the altars to the left of the entrance...

Bloggers Of The World, Unite...?

I mentioned previously reports that Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor was apparently going to accept a position in Tony Blair's Faith Foundation, as well as a Peerage in the House of Lourdes.

I assumed it was a done deal.

Scorn in the Catholic Blogosphere was plentiful... so much so that I didn't pay too much attention to it all.

However, it seems that the Cardinal has decided against accepting any such post. I saw it on EF Pastor Emeritus first, but there were no sources given. Damian Thompson has now added a couple of sources.

So, let's see what happens to the Peerage...

Sunday 31 May 2009


A couple of individuals, met while on pilgrimage in Lourdes, not to mention some of my language difficulties, brought the following sitcom to mind... in the nicest possible way, of course!

A Few More Pictures To Admire...

The photos above were taken inside the Rosary Basilica (on the ground level of the Domaine) and show some of the side altars. Fr. George Byers has some close-ups of each mosaic (as he was a chaplain at Lourdes for two years, he had plenty of opportunity to snap away!) 

This last photo (in this post, anyway) shows a photo of the main mosaic of Our Lady, taken by Fr. Tim. My effort this year was a little blurred, and so I used one of his old ones instead.

I used to hate this mosaic, as it was so different from other representations of Our Lady, and the proportions seemed all wrong - something I ascribed to the angle of the mosaic. However, one day I was sitting and praying in front of it, and I suddenly realised that it was my own view which was skewed. The face is actually not that of a woman, but of a young girl. So, the bone structure of the face is different. Once I got my head around that, the mosaic took on a completely different aspect, and I am now very attached to it. I don't know if it works so well on screen or photo, but "in the flesh," it is quite startling.

More Awards...

Catholic New Media Awards
I didn't win anything in the Cannonball Awards, so I was determined to sulk and not pay any attention to other "awards" for blogging. That lasted until I spotted that the Catholic New Media Awards have taken over from the Bloggers' Choice Awards. Somehow or other, I have been nominated... woohoo!

You only get one vote, and that's your lot, so I have about as much chance as a snowball in hell of hitting the top spot in any category, but I can bask in the fact that I've been nominated. Admittedly, it looks as if the world and its cousin has been nominated, but I shall draw a discreet veil over that little point...

Unfortunately, one needs to register before one can vote. Make the effort... you know you want to!

I have been nominated for four categories... People's Choice Blog; Best Blog by a Woman; Funniest Blog; and Most Entertaining Blog.

I have decided that I despise blatant begging or recounting of sob-stories in order to drum up support. I have only this appeal to your better nature...