Monday 15 February 2016

Enjoying The Weather...

It's Half Term - for which I am extremely thankful! Saturdays and Sundays in the school holidays never feel like proper holidays to me - they are just "the weekend." However, Mondays are when holidays really sink in...

I had a glorious lie-in this morning. Given that for the past year I have had to leave the house at 5:30am, a lie-in is not to be sniffed at. I then followed it up by praying the office in my front room, with a beautiful sea-scape in front of me...

After a leisurely lunch and some time playing with the Monsignor and Cardinal, I went round to visit a friend. Driving home, I saw that the tide was in, and the wind was really whipping up the waves. I have discovered that, if you want to see really impressive waves, the best place to observe them is by cliffs or where the water is relatively deep. There is such a place quite close to home, and I decided to stop off to see if I could capture any good moments...

Alas, I discovered that the time-lag between my pressing the button on my phone and the lens shutter operating was not quite as short as I hoped - so I missed the really good shots. I was also wary of getting too close - it was rather cold, and I didn't fancy a drenching. But I think that I shall try and spend a bit more time here to see if I can get the hang of the timing.

In the meantime, I think these photos are probably the best of today's crop...