Monday 21 April 2014

Photo Editing...

At the beginning of the year my phone was due for an upgrade. I decided that I was getting too old to squint at a tiny screen, and opted for a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which is large, but not excessively so. I had been very happy with the camera on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and was unsure as to what improvements they could have made. I think I take pretty good photos (albeit of the point-and-click variety) and so at first I didn't bother too much with the many editing options on the phone itself.

However, I've photographed pretty much all of the main celebrations at Blackfen, and I thought I should play around with the camera settings a little more. Two weeks ago I posted a photo of the Sanctuary at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, which I had edited to look as if it was a framed pencil sketch. Several people commented on how much they liked it, and this has encouraged me to experiment a little more. Maundy Thursday provided me with a few good shots...

2014-04-17 21.09.36-1

2014-04-17 21.41.01-1

2014-04-17 22.19.17-1

Not all of the photos I took were suitable for the pencil-sketch treatment - too much "background noise" in some of them meant that they didn't quite seem to work. I decided to play around with my phone's "vintage" setting for Good Friday...

2014-04-20 21.17.27

2014-04-19 03.30.20

2014-04-20 21.15.45

Finally I took a few experimental shots at the Easter Vigil. This one was in sepia...

2014-04-19 20.35.14-1

And I thought the vintage setting looked rather good, muting the yellow gold of the vestments...

2014-04-19 20.32.12-1

2014-04-19 21.57.44-1

The original photos, as well as a few other edited ones can be seen on my Flickr pages for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, so do go and have a look, and tell me what you think in the com box...