Friday 3 August 2012

Papal Nuncio Visits Faith Summer Session...

Just when I thought I was regaining the inspiration to return to blogging, my home internet connection decided to die on me. Serves me right for trying to upgrade. Still,  hopefully the engineer will fix it on Monday. I won't hold my breath... of late, things have had a tendency to go pear-shaped at the worst possible moment.

Blogging from my mobile phone just isn't as practical, even though I do have the ultra-snazzy Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone which runs Google Android's Jelly Bean operating system. But I'm slow at texting, so it's a painful process. I'd love an iPad, but it's way outside my budget. Never mind...

Despite the difficulty of blogging from my mobile, I just wanted to get a few photos out there. Archbishop Antonio Mennini, the Papal Nuncio, came along to the Faith Summer Session, which took place at Woldingham School this week. He celebrated Mass and gave a cracking sermon - on St. Ignatius Loyola among other things. I have a copy and will put it up as soon as my internet connection gets back up.

His Excellency stayed for lunch and chatted happily with many of us. He was very friendly and charmingly enthusiastic about seeing so many young people gathered to learn more about their faith. He also was delighted to allow photos for the blogosphere... and I was quick to make the most of my opportunity...

Here you can see the Nuncio sharing a joke with Fr. Tim Finigan about blogging...

Papal Nuncio Meets His Hermeneuticalness

I also managed to snap one of the Archbishop with author, journalist and blogger, Joanna Bogle...

Joanna & Archbishop Menini

More to follow soon...