Thursday 8 December 2011

Happy Feast Day...

Today is one of my favourite Feast Days. I've said it before - it's the day that, theologically speaking, really sorts out the men from the boys (to coin a phrase.) CINOs (Catholics-in-name-only) hate it, because it means that we are less than perfect, which then brings up the idea of sin and not "everyone going to heaven no matter what they do."

Our Lady was preserved from all stain of sin from the first moment of her conception. If you were God, and had the power to make your mother, what would you do? You'd want to preserve her from Original Sin and all the stuff that goes with that, (death, disease, concupiscence) wouldn't you?

Oh, and there's a big pro-life message in there - life begins AT conception.


  1. Anonymous10:48 pm

    Sadly. because of the lack of catechesis, most Catholics do not understand the importance of this Feast Day. This is the United States' Patronal Feast, and most appropriately as well. And, sadly again, I know of good Catholics who have never been told that they must go to Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation, which it is in the States and a few other countries. What chaotic times in which we much more do we need Our Lady.

  2. The school where I work had organised an event for the evening of the feast, which left devout Catholics choosing between loyalty to the school and to Our Lady. Can't say I was surprised.
