Tuesday 24 April 2007

A Present For You...

Look at what I found over at Dymphna's Well... a gadget which turns off television sets. Persuade your loved ones that the TV is broken, and that you can't get a repairman in until the middle of next month... and then bask in the silence (possibly punctuated by anguished sobs... well, heck, you can't please everyone!)


  1. Anonymous8:03 am

    Our TV was accidentally smashed the week before Holy Week! God's providence? i thought it was hilarious..not so the teenagers..

  2. you are such an innocent LOL!

    You use this for the doctors office and other places that insist on having a TV on all the time for no reason ;-).

  3. Simon, Simon, Simon... *shakes head gently in sorrow*

    You've obviously been the other side of the pond too long to recognise that the post was ever-so-gently tongue-in-cheek...

  4. I thought they might have a law 'gainst it!

    No, honestly, I was being serious about the innocent thing, I didn't mean naive.

  5. A friend took one of these on our holiday in Portugal; he switched off all sorts of annoying TVs in bars, restaurants and lounges. Most useful. I wasn't quite so sure, though, when it went off accidentally and switched off one of the big public monitors at Fatima!
